Uploaded by TheSocaMann
By Gypsy
Sai!!! hah!
Man, I know you have your mistletoe
And I know you have your snowman
And I know you have chandeliers hanging high
But dat just doh make me feel blue
Because I have mih own share too
Ah have mih belly full of rum
And a big sky full ah sun
And a West Indian Christmas, a West Indian Christmas
Drink yuh rum until yuh belly bus, bus, bus
Den yuh go cross by yuh neighbour
Say, Nabe come cross by me later
With a old cuatro an ah old guitar singing sereno, sereno, sera
Sereno, sereno, sereno, sera ha
Sereno, sereno, sereno, say rum
Sereno, sereno, sereno, sereno, say rum
Sereno, sereno, gih yuh neighbour some, ay yay.
And you go dashing through the snow
And that’s the way you have fun
To have mine, I go dashing through the sun
You listen as sleighbell ring
I hear calyspsonian sing
I love the songs when parang fill de air
An dat’s a West Indian Christmas, a West Indian Christmas
Drink yuh rum until yuh belly bus, bus, bus
Den yuh go cross by yuh niehgbour
Yuh say, Nabe come cross by me later
With a old cuatro an ah old guitar and is sereno, sera.
Sereno, sereno, sereno, say ham
Sereno, sereno, I don’t give a dam
Sereno, sereno, sereno, say black cake
Sereno, sereno, I makin no mistake. Ah want some!
Have you ever heard a bamboo buss
As we simulate a cannon?
Smell the smell of ham boiling in a pitchoil pan?
The aroma of sweet bread being baked?
Lick de batter stick that beats de cake?
And if you do, then you know it’s no mistake, ay
And dat's a West Indian Christmas, a West Indian Christmas
Drink yuh rum, drink yuh rum until yuh belly bus, bus, bus
Den yuh go cross by yuh neighbour
You say, Nabe come cross by me later
With a old cuatro an ah old guitar and is sereno, sera
Sereno, sereno, say pastelle
Sereno, sereno, I love dat very well
Sereno, sereno, sereno, sereno, say whiskey
Sereno, sereno, please save some for me, I like dat.
Sereno, sereno, sereno, say gingerbeer
Sereno, sereno, you leave de children share
Sereno, sereno, sereno, say sorrel
Sereno sereno, dat gives me such a thrill.
Sereno, sereno, sereno, say rum
Sereno, sereno, gih yuh neigbour some
Sereno, sereno, sereno, say wine
Sereno, sereno, doh let dat blow yuh mine.
Sereno, sereno, sereno
Sereno, say guitar, say cuatro
Sereno, sereno, say chac chac
Sereno, sereno, haya!
Sereno, sereno, sereno, say rum
Sereno, sereno, gih yuh neigbour some
Sereno, sereno, sereno, say wine
Sereno, sereno, doh let it blow yuh mind.
Sereno, sereno...
Source: The lyrics posted on this blog are often transcribed directly from performances. Although it is my intention to faithfully transcribe I do not get all the words and I have a knack for hearing the wrong thing. Please feel free to correct me or to fill in the words that I miss by dropping me a message via e-mail. I'd be forever grateful. Thanks in advance!
.............................................................................................................................."Patria est communis omnium parens" - Our native land is the common parent of us all. Keep it beautiful, make it even more so.
Blessed is all of creation
Blessed be my beautiful people
Blessed be the day of our awakening
Blessed is my country
Blessed are her patient hills.
Mweh ka allay!

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