Uploaded by IsDePanInMe
By Baron (1994)
In the beginning by the sixth day morning
The whole creation was given birth
And then God made man and gave him dominion
Over every living creature on the earth
Tragedy in the garden, we all know whey happen
Shamefully banished from Eden
We witness the first Paradise lost
And since then is Mother Earth who end up paying the cost
That's why I'm begging.
Mother Earth is crying, she say to stop the polluting...oy oy oy
Mother Earth is dying, we got to stop the polluting...oy oy oy
Whole attitude got to change, and priorities rearrange
We got to become more competent
The way we protect the environment
And fight, fight for all that it's worth
Fight to save Mother Earth...oy oy oy
Mother Earth crying... oy oy
In case you don't know, the planet Earth dying slow
What a sad way to go.
The ozone layer's depleting
Endless factories belching tons of pollutants in the atmosphere
Rivers and seas can't escape
On Mother Earth, we constantly commit rape
We even planning to strip the Amazon bare.
Acid rain on the nations, species hunted to extinction
A roller coaster ride to self-destruction
Stop mankind from digging a certain grave
We got to get together is Mother Earth we must save
That's why I'm grieving.
Mother Earth is crying, she say to stop the polluting...oy oy oy
Mother Earth is crying, we got to stop the polluting...oy oy oy
Whole attitude got to change, and priorities rearrange
We got to become more competent
The way we protect the environment
And fight, fight for all that it's worth
Fight to save Mother Earth...oy oy oy
Mother Earth crying... oy oy
In case you don't know, the planet Earth dying slow
What a sad way to go.
Massive global warming with the sea level rising
Islands and countries like Holland may be no more
As natural resources deplete, people can't find food to eat
Famine for both rich and poor
Impossible you might think, but we tottering on the brink
Next thing you know we become extinct
The cancer we create a Mother Earth sore
And she is going to give up the ghost when she can't take no more...no more.
Mother Earth is crying, she say to stop the polluting...oy oy oy
Mother Earth is crying, we got to stop the polluting...oy oy oy
Whole attitude got to change, and priorities rearrange
We got to become more competent
The way we protect the environment
And fight, fight for all that it's worth
Fight to save Mother Earth...oy oy oy
Mother Earth crying... oy oy
In case you don't know, the planet Earth dying slow
What a sad way to go.
Today the things we nurture could determine the future
And pray what would the picture be
See grandson and granddaughter fighting, chaos and disaster
As Mother Earth protest violently
Wake up, wake up people and be part of the struggle!
The planet earth in serious trouble
We got to end this melancholy refrain
We cannot afford to lose Paradise again
That's why I'm pleading.
Mother Earth is crying, she say to stop the polluting...oy oy oy
Mother Earth is Dying, we got to stop the polluting...oy oy oy
Whole attitude got to change, and priorities rearrange
We got to become more competent
The way we protect the environment
And fight, fight for all that it's worth
Fight to save Mother Earth...oy oy oy
Mother Earth crying... oy
In case you don't know, the planet Earth dying slow
What a sad way to go.
Source: The lyrics posted on this blog are transcribed directly from performances. Although it is my intention to faithfully transcribe I do not get all the words and I have a knack for hearing the wrong thing. Please feel free to correct me or to fill in the words that I miss by dropping me a message via e-mail. I'd be forever grateful. Thanks in advance!

A Note From The Gull
'Whole attitude got to change, and priorities rearrange"... Thank you Baron.
"Patria est communis omnium parens" - Our native land is the common parent of us all. Keep it beautiful, make it even more so.
Blessed is all of creation
Blessed be my beautiful people
Blessed be the day of our awakening
Blessed is my country
Blessed are her patient hills.
Mweh ka allay!
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