Uploaded by Clynton Mann
By Singing Francine
Mother of our first born King conceived her first offspring
Gave birth in Holy Land to this giant of a man
This is how she played her part by giving us a start
History books will all now show how much to her we owe.
Ay, Ay, Maria! Ay, Ay, Maria!
Sing Hosanna for our King in the highest, let us sing
Maria, Maria, Maria, Maria! He is our Saviour
Let's anoint His head with oil and serenade our first born boy.
With some frankincense and myrrh, the Wise Men went to her
Then departed their own way, avoiding Herod, as they say
Then Mary flee the land to Egypt, child in hand
Avoiding Herod all the way, who destroyed children as they play.
Ay, Ay, Maria! Ay, Ay, Maria!
Sing Hosanna for our King in the highest, let us sing
Maria, Maria, Maria, Maria! He is our Saviour
Let's anoint His head with oil and serenade our first born boy.
Now this story goes to show the hardship mothers undergo
By preserving her first born, her light she also shone
Even to the very end, a mother's love she lend
And now all is said and done, gave her only begotten son
Ay, Ay, Maria! Ay, Ay, Maria!
Sing Hosanna for our King in the highest, let us sing
Maria, Maria, Maria, Maria! He is our Saviour
Let's anoint His head with oil and serenade our first born boy.
Spoken words:
Yeah, don't forget! It's very important. No matter what you do in this world, you got to remember the first born boy. In this time, more than ever, we should give praises and thanks to the man, most high. Oh yeah!
Ay, Ay, Maria! Ay, Ay, Maria!
Sing Hosanna for our King in the highest, let us sing
Maria, Maria, Maria, Maria! He is our Saviour
Let's anoint His head with oil and serenade our first born boy.
Source: The lyrics posted on this blog are often transcribed directly from performances. Although it is my intention to faithfully transcribe I do not get all the words and I have a knack for hearing the wrong thing. Please feel free to correct me or to fill in the words that I miss by dropping me a message via e-mail. I'd be forever grateful. Thanks in advance!
Thank you, Singing Francine! I can listen to and sing her compositions about this event with a happy heart. I am posting this song today on the last official day of Christmas. Of course, for believers in the teachings of the Christ, there aren't just twelve days of Christmas but twelve months and there is no official end to love. In the Roman Catholic calendar, today is the feast of the Epiphany, when the Wise Men finally arrived at the manger to pay homage to the child. My gung ho Wise Men have been jostling reverently outside my creche since November last year so they must have arrived by turbo camel.
I don't fuss too much about dates and when the Christ was actually born and who or what Mary actually represents or has been used to represent, or if the Christ was her only child. I don't care if she was with or without sin. Singing Francine says:
"Now this story goes to show the hardship mothers undergo
By preserving her first born, her light she also shone
Even to the very end, a mother's love she lend
And now all is said and done, gave her only begotten son."
This is what Mary represents for me. I love my own Mama with all my heart and even when she'd try to make me have a more realistic appraisal of her worth by telling me that she was also a sinner like everyone else, it did not matter to me because she had never shown ME anything but love. So, Mary for me, represents my mother and my grandmothers and all the mothers in the world who gave and continue to give life and love to their families. Thank you.
"Patria est communis omnium parens" - Our native land is the common parent of us all. Keep it beautiful, make it even more so.
Blessed is all of creation
Blessed be my beautiful people
Blessed be the day of our awakening
Blessed is my country
Blessed are her patient hills.
Mweh ka allay!
Another site similar to Sally DeFord's:
Thank you very much Anonymous. You are very kind. I will certainly visit this link and I look forward to listening to Ashley Hall's music.
I appreciate the compilation done of our local traditional music for Christmas!
Blessing to you!
Rachel from Arima.
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