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Performed by Melanie Hudson
Composed by David Rudder
I remember when you children were weak and hungry
I took you to my bosom, fed you my oil
And even when you took and wasted and left me drained
There was always love for you in my soil
Even when my older children, they try to shame me
Setting no rules for the younger ones
Bringing such grief and sadness into my old soul
In the end they still my daughters and sons
I will always be there for you
No matter what you do
Whatever joy or pain that you are going through
I will always be there for you
I will be, I will be, I will be always there for you.
Everybody always call me a blessed mother
"Mama Trini, God must love you." they say
Hell or high water, I would just rise and embrace you
Protecting my children in every way
Even when you fight and and argue 'bout different fathers
Remember, the Middle Passage brought them straight to my door
Mama never worry about no race, I just loved them
And so mih blood does boil when you start to war.
I will always be there for you
No matter what you do
Whatever joy or pain that you are going through
I will always be there for you
I will be, I will be, I will be always there for you.
So if you really want to make your old lady happy
If you really want to fill me with joy
All you got to do is start looking out for each other, I mean
Man and woman check for the girls and boys
To those of you who sow your seeds and then run like crazy
I want to see you turn and commit your hearts
And those of you who choose to leave, all the rest do your duty
Foolishness will only tear us apart.
And I will always be there for you
No matter what you do
Whatever joy or pain that you are going through
I will always be there for you
I will be, I will be, I will be always there for you.
I will always be there for you
No matter what you do
Whatever joy or pain that you are going through
I will always be there for you
I will be, I will be, I will be always there for you.
Source: The lyrics posted on this blog are often transcribed directly from performances. Although it is my intention to faithfully transcribe I do not get all the words and I have a knack for hearing the wrong thing. Please feel free to correct me or to fill in the words that I miss by dropping me a message via e-mail. I'd be forever grateful. Thanks in advance!

A Note From The Gull
This song moved me to tears when I first heard it being sung by the melodious voice of the youthful Melanie Hudson and it still has the same effect on me today just reading the lyrics. There are some beautiful sentiments expressed in the song. The underlying themes that I find irresistible are nature’s unbiased benevolence and a mother’s unconditional love. In human society, its manifestation is, not restricted to but, most readily witnessed in the self sacrificing love of many mothers. In nature, we find one example in the rain which as Bob Marley sang, when it falls, does not fall only on one man’s housetop.
This is why the use of the motherland/beneficent nature image speaks powerfully to us all. Most of us have experienced this love in the setting of the family and if we didn’t, then for some it is experienced as a palpable absence as in the woundedness of the unparented/unmothered which haunts and is the driving force behind lifelong searches for consolation. Most of us have been exposed to the teachings, found in the world religions that exhort us to treat all men equally, to love one another and especially our enemies, to answer good with good and evil with good, to forgive each other over and over and over and over again.
Mama Trini cannot help but do otherwise. “I will always be there for you.” She represents nature which provides bountifully and manifests the undying love which is characteristic of divinity. We have forgotten that we are part of this divinity. Many of her children are feeling today a sense of being separated from this divinity, this primal connection, as we careen ever further from the path that venerates and preserves connectedness to nature, to our true selves, to each other. She laments the foolishness that tears us apart, the greedy exploitation of natural resources, racism, failing in our duty to our families and country, failing in general to be the keepers of our brothers.
It is my belief that most Trinidadians, if not all, understand quite well what needs to be done. Many are doing their duty and this is why the centre, despite all the bad news, IS still holding.
This is why the use of the motherland/beneficent nature image speaks powerfully to us all. Most of us have experienced this love in the setting of the family and if we didn’t, then for some it is experienced as a palpable absence as in the woundedness of the unparented/unmothered which haunts and is the driving force behind lifelong searches for consolation. Most of us have been exposed to the teachings, found in the world religions that exhort us to treat all men equally, to love one another and especially our enemies, to answer good with good and evil with good, to forgive each other over and over and over and over again.
Mama Trini cannot help but do otherwise. “I will always be there for you.” She represents nature which provides bountifully and manifests the undying love which is characteristic of divinity. We have forgotten that we are part of this divinity. Many of her children are feeling today a sense of being separated from this divinity, this primal connection, as we careen ever further from the path that venerates and preserves connectedness to nature, to our true selves, to each other. She laments the foolishness that tears us apart, the greedy exploitation of natural resources, racism, failing in our duty to our families and country, failing in general to be the keepers of our brothers.
It is my belief that most Trinidadians, if not all, understand quite well what needs to be done. Many are doing their duty and this is why the centre, despite all the bad news, IS still holding.
"Patria est communis omnium parens" - Our native land is the common parent of us all. Keep it beautiful, make it even more so.
Blessed is all of creation
Blessed be my beautiful people
Blessed be the day of our awakening
Blessed is my country
Blessed are her patient hills.
Mweh ka allay!
I like the red image at the top of this post.
Thank you Elspeth on behalf of the Amerindian ancestor/s who drew it. It's one of the many petroglyphs found in Cuba that I discovered in this article "Estilo Patana..." It was manipulated in Paint Shop Pro to add colour, dimension and texture.
Strange that there are no petroglyphs in T & T (or are there?)
Just from reading (I haven't visited it myself) I know that there is one at Caurita. Tracy Assing mentions in it her article "The Long Walk Home"
"The Carib Stone: In Caurita, a sparsely populated area in the Northern Range overlooking Maracas valley, there is a huge boulder of quartzite etched with petroglyphs, referred to as the Carib Stone. Archaeologists believe it may have been a tribal boundary marker, or a sacred place associated with spirits and ancestors, and may also have astronomical or mythological associations."
There is a photo of that petroglyph included in this article "Our Amerindian Ancestors"
I will let you know if I hear of any others.
I wouldn't mind going there. I'll ask about it.
"Middle Passage" ?!?
Anonymous, I would like to respond but I don't know what are you asking. Do you want a definition of "the Middle Passage"? Are you questioning the choice of this reference???
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