Video mixed and uploaded by Maximilian Forte
By King Austin
Today when I look around in the world what do I see?
I see footprints that man has left on the sand
While walking through time.
I see fruits of our ambition, figments of our imaginations
And I ask myself, When will it end? When will it end?
It is plain to see, universally,
This land is not bountiful as it was
Simply because, in his quest for success
Nothing stands in man's way.
Old rivers run dry, soon the birds won't fly
The mountains will be no longer high
And when I really think of it
I does wonder why, oh why?
I see charity deplored, equal rights totally ignored
Wisdom and ingenuity working in accord simply to afford
Such inventions as thermonuclear warfare
And environmental warfare
And I wonder now
Where do we go from here?
Prophets everywhere gaze upon the horizon
And declare that judgment will come
As the savage hands of unscrupulous men
Defile everything pass by.
Time is running out as we eat and drink
Species at the brink of being extinct
And I think no one can deny
That the price of progress is high, real high.
I see consciousness abate,
As today we live recklessly
Money makes egos inflate
And thereby creates a turbulent state.
I see a struggle between the sexes
New hang-ups and old complexes
Now the question is right in context
”What shall be next?”
I’ve already seen
The world has come divided
Between race, colour, creed and class
And some of the things the scriptures predict
Truthfully come to pass
Soil that wouldn't bear,
Children making children
To be part of this growing mass
And I ask, “If this is progress, how long will it last?"

A Note From The Gull
King Austin, this one is right up there with the best of the best. There are songs which have the ability to generate deep silence in the ear and heart and mind of the conscious listener. It is the silence which is required for giving our undivided attention to the messages that they bring. This song always brings another one to my mind. It is "Earth Crisis" by Steel Pulse. The lyrics carry a similar message:
Earth Crisis
By Steel Pulse
The Earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof now
Gave man His love and they reward Him with violence
And in these last days lend ears to what I say
Man in his ignorant state has signed and sealed his own fate
Doctrines of the fallen angels,
No water to quench eternal flames of hell
Doctrines of the fallen angels
No water to quench eternal flames of hell.
Earth crisis, Earth crisis
All this suffering
Earth crisis. Earth crisis
Misguided people, they don't seem to care
They carry the symbol of the eagle and the bear
Across the globe, far east to far west
High tax and cutbacks for military defence
Doctrines of the fallen angels
To quench eternal flames of hell
Doctrines of the fallen angels
To quench eternal flames of hell
Earth crisis Earth crisis
All this suffering
Earth crisis Earth crisis
Super powers have a plan
Undermining Third World man
Suck their lands of minerals
Creating famine and pestilence
You hear what I say, hear what I say
The Earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof now
Gave man His love and they reward Him with violence
And in these last days lend ears to what I say
Man in his ignorant state sas signed and sealed his own fate in this
Earth crisis
In a Earth, in a Earth, in a dis ya time yah
Earth crisis, Earth crisis
You life in there hands just waiting to explode
Earth crisis
A touch of a button fingertip control
Earth crisis
It hardly surprising
Earth crisis
JAH kingdom rising
Earth crisis
All this suffering...
"Patria est communis omnium parens" - Our native land is the common parent of us all. Keep it beautiful, make it even more so.
Blessed is all of creation
Blessed be my beautiful people
Blessed be the day of our awakening
Blessed is my country
Blessed are her patient hills.
Mweh ka allay!

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