Mighty Spoiler (1958)
Aha, well this one is class,
They charge a magistrate for driving too fast (You mustn’t doubt me)
Well this one is class,
They charge a magistrate for driving too fast
But is one courthouse in the district
He is the only magistrate there to run it
If you see how the people flock up he place
To see how the magistrate go try he own case.
Heself tell heself, “You are charged for speeding.”
Heself start to shout, “The policeman lying!”
Heself tell heself, “Doh shout!” He said, “No sport!”
And he charge himself for contempt of court.
Aha, he said, “Go ahead, let mih hear what happen.”
So the police said,“Sah, if you see how this man could speed!”
And he pointing at the magistrate, Johnny Mead
The magistrate ask him who he talking 'bout
“Is you/him ah mean!” the policeman shout out
The magistrate pick up a looking glass
And ask heself, “Is it true you were driving too fast?”
Heself told himself, “You are charged for speeding”
Heself start to shout, “The policeman lying!”
Himself told himself, “Don’t shout!” He said, “No sport!”
And he charge himself for contempt of court.
Aha, then Mister Caruth, he came up and he started to prosecute The magistrate then call his lawyer to defend the defendant, who is your honour
And all the time that the lawyer talking
The magistrate serious, sometime he laughing
Ah time the magistrate tell he own self, "Look, I have a great mind to take 'way your license book."
Heself told himself, "You are charged for speeding."
Himself told himself “The policeman lying.”
Himself told himself, “Don’t shout!” He said, “No sport!”
And he charged himself for contempt of court.
Aha, yes ah nearly drop when the man take out he pen and start to sum up Partner,
I start to study if he going to put his own self in custody
I was wrong because again he took out the mirror
Heself tell heself to pay twenty dollar
He bus out a cry, he turn round and say, “Give me chance, ah want a lil time to pay.”
Heself told himself, “You are charged for speeding.”
Himself told himself, “The policeman lying!”
Himself tell himself, “All right, I will be kind.
Ah giving you five years to pay the fine.” ..............................................................................................................................

A Note From The Gull
Thank you, Mighty Spoiler. With these classics, it's never just a rhythm with the performer hoping to get by on numbing the listener's mind. Here you get the whole package, an entertaining, humorous and sometimes fantastic story and the pleasure, that lasts long after the performance, of reflecting on the cleverness of the delivery, and the skill of the singer.
"Patria est communis omnium parens" - Our native land is the common parent of us all. Keep it beautiful, make it even more so.
Blessed is all of creation
Blessed be my beautiful people
Blessed be the day of our awakening
Blessed is my country
Blessed are her patient hills.
Mweh ka allay!
Thank-you! One of my favourite calypsos, and I was just searching for the lyrics!
Caroline, thanks for visiting and leaving a comment. I love the cleverness of this calypso too. I just found the video on YouTube and embedded it on the page. Enjoy!
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