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By Mighty Sparrow (1983)
If you happen to see and know when politics going wrong
With facts and figures prepared to show, it’s better to bite yuh tongue
To them political boss, who the people trust and get double cross
You're an obstacle to be removed at any cost. Oh oh
A social conscience is really very dangerous to your health
The awesome strength of the powers that be most certainly will be felt
To tell them that their priorities and performance is under par
It's poetic to hear them describe to you who you are.
First of all, you’re a megalomaniac, a power seeker,
A crazy ----, a trouble maker
And if you tell them that the economy is no longer in full bloom
Then you become a prophet of doom and gloom.
People complaining everyday, the cost of living too high
Still they take all the subsidies away, so man could suffer and die
The situation is much too rough for anyone to ignore
And I know that the people cyah take it anymore.
But, to show you really and truly care is often misunderstood
To express an abiding love for here seldom does any good
The system is far from perfect and most certainly must improve
But to tell them that is a very dangerous move.
'Cause you become wicked and nefarious, counter-revolutionary
Disciple of the Judas, enemy of the country
You’re branded as an imposter, masquerading in borrowed bloom
But everybody know you’re a prophet of doom and gloom.
"The feteing is over, back to work", that's what the leader says
But we hearing giggling and plenty jokes, music blasting upstairs
Every day is power outage, unhappy workers on the rampage
And all the foodstuff you have spoiling in yuh fridge
Tell me, when will we have dependable services from T&TEC
And when will Telco and WASA be able to fix the roads that they wreck
Don’t try to rock the ship of state with them stupid questions so
Accept the status quo and don't play hero.
You’re a nation of complainers, not at all enterprising
Just a set of belly achers, unjustly criticising
BWee, ISCOTT and the MV Tobago is in great shape, we must presume
If you say it isn’t so, you’re a prophet of doom and gloom.
Questionable deals made in haste continue to grow and grow
Blatant refusals have replaced the people’s right to know
Predictions are made daily to rule for a next century
And all indications are that it may well be.
But retrenchment and redundancy beginning to strangle we
Inflation and low productivity done take over already
The Integrity Commission Plan is a next project also ran
Every move they make now is to ensure re-election.
In this land of steady power failures, people houses in darkness
And every tree round the Savannah displays vociferous politics
You have to ask which is worse between a schizophrenic baboon,
A megalomaniac and a prophet of doom and gloom?
Source: The lyrics posted on this blog are often transcribed directly from performances. Although it is my intention to faithfully transcribe I do not get all the words and I have a knack for hearing the wrong thing. Please feel free to correct me or to fill in the words that I miss by dropping me a message via e-mail. I'd be forever grateful. Thanks in advance!
"Patria est communis omnium parens" - Our native land is the common parent of us all. Keep it beautiful, make it even more so.
Blessed is all of creation
Blessed be my beautiful people
Blessed be the day of our awakening
Blessed is my country
Blessed are her patient hills.
Mweh ka allay!

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