Pearl Yvonne Mulrain
Too much hurt and frustration,
Too much fraud and corruption,
And the world we live in is turning
In the fires of sin and shame.
What we need is a shaking;
Yes, we need an awakening,
Give it, Lord, You can set our hearts aflame.
Oh yes, we want a youthquake to shake the nation;
Send it, Lord, on this generation;
Turn us all inside out for You.
Come on strong, no reserve, I say
Rumble-tumble like Judgment Day!
Shake! shake! shake! shake! I say.
Gambling, stealing and raping,
Lusting, smoking and drinking;
These are just a few of the evils
That are present with us each day.
Moral standards decaying,
Truth and right disappearing –
We ask You, Lord, to come today.
Oh yes, we want a youthquake to shake the nation;
Send it, Lord, on this generation;
Turn us all inside out for You.
Come on strong, no reserve, I say
Rumble-tumble like Judgment Day!
Shake! shake! shake! shake! I say.
Youth can conquer the nation,
Youth can dispel damnation;
And today we say we are willing,
We will let You have Your way.
We no more will be shirking,
We're all set to be working
With You, Lord; we ask You to come today.
Oh yes, we want a youthquake to shake the nation;
Send it, Lord, on this generation;
Turn us all inside out for You.
Come on strong, no reserve, I say
Rumble-tumble like Judgment Day!
Shake! shake! shake! shake! I say.
Source: Caribbean Worship and Song. Prepared by the Liturgical Commission, Archdiocese of Port of Spain, 1982. p. 122
Pearl Yvonne Mulrain
Too much hurt and frustration,
Too much fraud and corruption,
And the world we live in is turning
In the fires of sin and shame.
What we need is a shaking;
Yes, we need an awakening,
Give it, Lord, You can set our hearts aflame.
Oh yes, we want a youthquake to shake the nation;
Send it, Lord, on this generation;
Turn us all inside out for You.
Come on strong, no reserve, I say
Rumble-tumble like Judgment Day!
Shake! shake! shake! shake! I say.
Gambling, stealing and raping,
Lusting, smoking and drinking;
These are just a few of the evils
That are present with us each day.
Moral standards decaying,
Truth and right disappearing –
We ask You, Lord, to come today.
Oh yes, we want a youthquake to shake the nation;
Send it, Lord, on this generation;
Turn us all inside out for You.
Come on strong, no reserve, I say
Rumble-tumble like Judgment Day!
Shake! shake! shake! shake! I say.
Youth can conquer the nation,
Youth can dispel damnation;
And today we say we are willing,
We will let You have Your way.
We no more will be shirking,
We're all set to be working
With You, Lord; we ask You to come today.
Oh yes, we want a youthquake to shake the nation;
Send it, Lord, on this generation;
Turn us all inside out for You.
Come on strong, no reserve, I say
Rumble-tumble like Judgment Day!
Shake! shake! shake! shake! I say.
Source: Caribbean Worship and Song. Prepared by the Liturgical Commission, Archdiocese of Port of Spain, 1982. p. 122

A Note From The Gull
Thank you, Pearl Mulrain. This is one of the few Catholic hymns of which I am aware, that recognise and summon the energy and optimism of youth. The lyrics on their own are powerful enough but the music is also rousing. I especially love the chorus and that resounding "Shake! shake! shake! shake! I say." This is a marching hymn. This is a hymn for people who are on the move, for people who are optimistic and are aware of their power. There is nothing moribund or morose about this hymn and a choir or congregation would have to be a pack of ripe zombies to make it sound as depressing as many of the other hymns that we sing. For all of these reasons, it is not a typical Catholic hymn. For all of these reasons, I think we should get into the aisles and dance together when it is sung.
"Patria est communis omnium parens" - Our native land is the common parent of us all. Keep it beautiful, make it even more so.
Blessed is all of creation
Blessed be my beautiful people
Blessed be the day of our awakening
Blessed is my country
Blessed are her patient hills.
Mweh ka allay!
Hi, my name is Heidi Mulrain- please correct this. It wasn't written by a 'Paul Mulrain' - it was written by my aunt 'Pearl Mulrain' - it appears in her song book - 'Out of My Faith' - she was the one who wrote Youthquake
Oops!! Thanks for that Heidi. I checked Caribbean Worship and Song and the error was really ALL mine. Apologies to you and your aunt.
Glad to hear that your aunt published a song book. I will look for it. I loved Youthquake when I first heard it and especially that chorus which caught my attention with its vigour and action inspiring words:
Come on strong, no reserve, I say
Rumble-tumble like Judgment Day!
Shake! shake! shake! shake! I say.
Any chance you have the music? And are willig to share? I would love to teach it to my youth groups
Thanks for visiting, bernick. Unfortunately, I do not have the sheet music for this hymn but I have seen that the composer, Pearl Yvonne Mulrain is on Facebook. Perhaps you could try that avenue.
Good luck with your youth groups and music ministry.
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