Uploaded by ScorpioPetey
By Black Stalin
Long ago they use to waltz in the ghetto
And listen what these people used to do
They'll sell we some old things for new
But nowadays we got them amazed
When they come we does tell them flat
Man dey, we ent taking that
We know now what's on their mind
So from the time that we see them coming
Ghetto man ent wasting time, we start singing, singing...
Is the same old thing, is the same old thing
Is the same old thing they pushing
Look how you trying to turn it around
The colour was blue, you put it in brown
You fix it up well and you change the name
And come back pushing the same thing again...But
Is the same old thing, is the same old thing
Is the same old thing they pushing
Revolution is ghetto man action
Every day them messiahs passing and is revolution they pushing
"Forward ever, backward never!"
So much years they making we know
The system got to go
Long ago when they say they thing
We used to jump up and demonstrate
But nowadays when we see them coming
We say wait , wait....
Is the same old thing, is the same old thing
Is the same old thing they pushing
Mister, I doh care now if yuh vex
I hear that same speech from Malcolm X
I could bet mih last dollar without fear
Dagga give the same speech in Woodford Square
Is the same old thing, is the same old thing... everyday
Is the same old thing you pushing.
Calypsonians, the people's spokesman
Every year is new tunes they making
For the road march truck they competing
Cussing steelband all over the island
They saying how them steelband man head ent dey
They wouldn't play their tune on Carnival Day
So I went and rap with them panman
Just to hear what they have to say
They tell me how them calypsonians love too much djamblay, djamblay...
Is the same old thing, is the same old thing
Is the same old thing they pushing
No where you can fool panman, no time
they say you sing the same tune in '69
All you do is change the lyrics around
Up the tempo and put in a soca sound...But
Is the same old thing, is the same old thing
Is the same old thing they pushing.
Source: The lyrics posted on this blog are often transcribed directly http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.giffrom performances. Although it is my intention to faithfully transcribe I do not get all the words and I have a knack for hearing the wrong thing. Please feel free to correct me or to fill in the words that I miss by dropping me a message via e-mail. I'd be forever grateful. Thanks in advance!

A Note From The Gull
Thank you, Black Stalin. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
"Patria est communis omnium parens" - Our native land is the common parent of us all. Keep it beautiful, make it even more so.
Blessed is all of creation
Blessed be my beautiful people
Blessed be the day of our awakening
Blessed is my country
Blessed are her patient hills.
Mweh ka allay!
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