Uploaded by cool4rocknroll
By Rootsman
Arranged by Carl Beaver Henderson & Levi John
Album: Stand Up and Face It | LPS | T&T 1981
Along the road of life, man really have to fight
Because the break you want just don't come overnight
You got to stick the grind, keep at it all the time
No matter wey they try, don't let them blow your mind
So if your house burn down [Stand up and face it.]
If you woman gone [Stand up and face it.]
Friend, don't give up and run [Stand up and face it.]
And in the end, my friend, you bound to make it
Some people try their best, friend, just to fight you down
You must withstand the test and show them that you strong
For by the help of Jah, my friend, you must conquer
There is no barrier to hold a warrior
So if you lost your job [Stand up and face it.]
If you just get rob [Stand up and face it.]
Friend, don't sit down and sob [Stand up and face it.]
And in the end, my friend, you bound to make it.
Stand up and face it, stand up and face it
Stand up and face it, you bound to make it.
If you are weak at heart, you fail before you start
So if your milk throw way, don't bother cry 'bout dat
It have more milk out dey, step forward, don't look back
Shake up yourself, I say, and make a brand new start.
So if your car mash up [Stand up and face it.]
If you gone bankrupt [Stand up and face it.]
Don't let that pack you up [Stand up and face it.]
And in the end, my friend, you bound to make it.
Let every newborn day bring on a fresh spirit
So don't sit down, I say, get up and get with it
No mountain is too high for you to climd my friend
For determination bring success in the end
So if they cut your dread [Stand up and face it.]
And make you a bald head [Stand up and face it.]
Once they ent kill you dead [Stand up and face it.]
And in the end, my friend, you bound to make it.
[Stand up and face it.....]
Source: The lyrics posted on this blog are often transcribed directly from performances. Although it is my intention to faithfully transcribe I do not get all the words and I have a knack for hearing the wrong thing. Please feel free to correct me or to fill in the words that I miss by dropping me a message via e-mail. I'd be forever grateful. Thanks in advance!
"Patria est communis omnium parens" - Our native land is the common parent of us all. Keep it beautiful, make it even more so.
Blessed is all of creation
Blessed be my beautiful people
Blessed be the day of our awakening
Blessed is my country
Blessed are her patient hills.
Mweh ka allay!

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