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By Black Stalin
Every day the minister going on television
And begging the nation, he want more production
But the more the man go on TV and begging
Is the more production just keep declining
And as we know, our attitude to work is not lazy
And our people is the number one resources of the country
So my advice, mister minister, to pass the production test
Yes, we got to start investing money in things we could do the best.
Tell we make steel pan [We ready]
Record a parang [We ready]
Wire bender [We ready]
Mas' designer [We ready]
Record calypso [We ready]
Video the limbo [We ready]
So all we have to do is channel properly
Our people artistic energy.
Any time foreigner hear the steel band playing
How to buy a steel pan, the first thing he asking
But the land of steel band ent have no pan factory
Making and exporting pan to foreign country
But every year, the Auditor General keep on saying
Money losing in industry of which we knows nothing
So if we keep losing money as the year go by
Then, mister minister, I think it's time to give the Arts a try.
Tell we make steel pan [We ready]
Compose a parang [We ready]
Video the limbo [We ready]
Record calypso [We ready]
Copper beater [We ready]
Leather worker [We ready]
So all we have to do is channel properly
Our people artistic energy.
Any country today, both local and foreign
For calypso music, everybody asking
But the land of calypso, which is my country
Importing their music from in New York city
And every country today, Carnival they keep importing
And we got the best mas' designers right down here waiting
So my advice, mister minister, to pass the production test
Yes, we got to start investing we money in things we could do the best.
Tell we make steel pan [We ready]
Record a parang [We ready]
Leather beater [We ready]
Copper worker [We ready]
Video the limbo [We ready]
Record calypso [We ready]
So all we have to do is channel properly
Our people artistic energy.
Investing in the Arts may not be the answer
But of course it could come and make a foreign earner
Then for once, my people and them would be all enjoying
The work that they doing, profiting or losing
Then again we will have a true productive society
Instead of investing money in screw-up industry
So the answer, mister minister, for plenty more production
I say, all your people really need is financial motivation.
To make steel pan [We ready]
Compose a parang [We ready]
Video the limbo [We ready]
Record calypso [We ready]
Copper beater [We ready]
Short story writer [We ready]
So all we have to do is channel properly
Our people artistic energy.
[We ready, We ready, We ready, We ready, We ready, We ready, We ready, We ready]
Wire bender [We ready]
Dress designer [We ready]
Mas' designer [We ready]
Copper beater [We ready]
Leather worker [We ready]
Record calypso [We ready]
Video the limbo [We ready]
Mas' designer [We ready]
Wire bender [We ready]
Short story writer [We ready]
Steel pan maker [We ready]
Dress designer [We ready]
Copper beater [We ready]
Short story writer [We ready, We ready...]
Source: The lyrics posted on this blog are often transcribed directly from performances. Although it is my intention to faithfully transcribe I do not get all the words and I have a knack for hearing the wrong thing. Please feel free to correct me or to fill in the words that I miss by dropping me a message via e-mail. I'd be forever grateful. Thanks in advance!
"Patria est communis omnium parens" - Our native land is the common parent of us all. Keep it beautiful, make it even more so.
Blessed is all of creation
Blessed be my beautiful people
Blessed be the day of our awakening
Blessed is my country
Blessed are her patient hills.
Mweh ka allay!

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