Uploaded by kaiso22
By Black Stalin
'78 was the Year of the Woman
They give the whole of '79 to the children
But brother man, Black Stalin say, Beware!
'81 in Trinidad is Vampire Year
Trini vampire park up with class
Is every five years they does pass
With crucifix and cross, they could make the grade
Is only chalice and loud smoke they 'fraid.
So, keep the chalice smoking, vampire passing
Big vampire, small vampire, party vampire, micro vampire
Keep the chalice smoking, vampire passing
They passing with whiskey, holding a party
Giving 'way money, just to suck we
Keep the chalice smoking, vampire passing.
Vampire with PhD, HD and AAC
Vampire from in the university
Vampire with dashiki, jacket and tie
Vampire telling you they don't lie
Just a little bit of blood will do
They taking some sweat and some tears too
And from the time you join up, you in pain
You seeing them the next five years again.
So, keep the chalice smoking, vampire passing
Coalition vampire, micro vampire, humble vampire, lick up vampire
Keep the chalice smoking, vampire passing
Close up your front door, close up your back door
Hang up your stale bread, turn round your bed head
Keep the chalice smoking, vampire passing.
Vampire like peas passing through ghetto
When they looking for blood, oh lord, they know where to go
With banners and placards evermore
Every minute of the day knocking at your door
But they making sure before they pass,
They taking all we chillum and grass
And an hour or so before they come
They -------- with whiskey and rum.
So, keep the chalice smoking, vampire passing
Coalition vampire, micro vampire, humble vampire, weird vampire
Keep the chalice smoking, vampire passing
They saying how they care 'bout we welfare
See them with they mouth cock, just to get their suck.
Keep the chalice smoking, vampire passing.
The best type of blood for Trini vampire
They say is when they suck the blood of labour
So from the time they come, you sure to hear them say
Ey, ey, we come out to give labour a play
But them driving 'round in big Cadillac
Chauffeur-driven with them at the back
And the only play that labour getting
Is the man behind the steering driving.
Keep the chalice smoking, vampire passing
--------- vampire, weird vampire, group vampire, teacher vampire
Keep the chalice smoking, vampire passing
--------- in the morning, passing in the evening
See them with they mouth cock, begging for their suck
Keep the chalice smoking, vampire passing
Keep the chalice smoking, vampire passing
----- vampire, weird vampire, hard vampire, mad vampire
Keep the chalice smoking, vampire passing
Rich vampire, poor vampire, thin vampire, fat vampire
Keep the chalice smoking, vampire passing
------- vampire, ------ vampire, single vampire, hard vampire
Keep the chalice smoking, vampire passing
Keep the chalice smoking, vampire passing
-------- vampire, independent vampire, party vampire, group vampire
Keep the chalice smoking, vampire passing
Coalition vampire, humble vampire, lick up vampire, weird vampire
Keep the chalice smoking, vampire passing
Keep the chalice smoking, vampire passing
Big vampire, small vampire, party vampire, lick out vampire
Keep the chalice smoking, vampire passing...
Source: The lyrics posted on this blog are often transcribed directly from performances. Although it is my intention to faithfully transcribe I do not get all the words and I have a knack for hearing the wrong thing. Please feel free to correct me or to fill in the words that I miss by dropping me a message via e-mail. I'd be forever grateful. Thanks in advance!
"Patria est communis omnium parens" - Our native land is the common parent of us all. Keep it beautiful, make it even more so.
Blessed is all of creation
Blessed be my beautiful people
Blessed be the day of our awakening
Blessed is my country
Blessed are her patient hills.
Mweh ka allay!

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