By Ikue Asazaki
Arayashikiku no dei
Harasaku baku no dei
Hare fushigyurasa nejyuku
Surajifushiro yondo
Hare fushigyurasa nejyuku
Fushigyurasa nejyuku
Surajifusero yondo
In search of new lands, I build a new house
I thatch the house with reed stalks, gathered neatly in bundles
I thatch the house with reed stalks, gathered neatly in bundles
Kirishigaki ku no dei
Kuganeya be tatei tei
Hare momo tobyuru wakya
Ya uriba yuwa o yondo
Hare momo to byuru wakya
Momo to byuru wakya
Ya uriba yuwa o yondo
At the stone wall, let us celebrate the golden house, that was built by a hundred carpenters.
At the stone wall, let us celebrate the golden house, that was built by a hundred carpenters.
Let us celebrate the golden house, that was built by a hundred carpenters.
Hateigachi ya naryuri
Tobibani ya neranu
Hare utou katabani
Ya karachitabore
Hitotsu aru bani ya
Kanasha se ni kusuitei –
Hare wanu ya okuyama
Nu kazuradasuki –
The eighth month is fast approaching, and yet I have nothing to wear
I want to dress up, so brother, will you lend me just one sleeve?
I wish to dress my children and loved ones… in the one kimono that I own
As for me, I will wear vines… that I plucked deep in the mountains.
Ojyuugoya no teiki ya
Kami gyurasa teryuri
Hare kana ga jyo ni tataba kumo tei taborei
The light of the full moon shines down,
Illuminating the world with its divine light
When my lover sneaks in to visit me,
I wish that the clouds would hide that light just a little.
Lyrics and translation source.
You may argue that it is the right of any individual or group to protest and to give voice to discontent and outrage but in this matter, I find that the timing of all protests is distressingly inappropriate. Some agree that there is some merit in the Mayor's admonition and that the merit will not be diminished by the obvious lack of skill and sensitivity in its articulation, and the shouting down by the ensuing outrage. Consider that he was also exercising his right to protest against what he perceives to be unacceptable behaviour and that his greatest fault was his recklessly poor timing which implied unfortunate conclusions about an innocent victim. We've had all the time in the world to march and moan about our own perennial troubles but these days we should have been using our voices only to sing consolation and love to Asami's soul as it makes its passage into the otherworld.
Asami's death should not be used as anyone's platform.
Asami's death should not be used as anyone's platform.
Yes, we are all hurting but at this moment in time, I feel that the greatest hurt has been suffered by Asami and her grieving family members far away in Japan who are left now to make sense of the senseless and who have been condemned to await the cold comfort of reclaiming the lifeless body of their loved one.
Unless you are among those who loved her and are making the pilgrimage to say a prayer or pay your respects at the memorial where her body was found; unless you are seeking justice for her and assisting the police with their investigation, get off the streets and go home. The Carnival is well and truly OVER.
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