Moko Jumbie [Song]

Uploaded by IsDePanInMe

By Lord Kitchener

This year Carnival, tourists break away
True, true bacchanal on Carnival day
This year Carnival, tourists break away
True, true bacchanal on Carnival day.
Sorry to say but we really had to prance
We got carried away by the Moko Jumbie dance
The rhythm they put in you as they dance with glee
Is enough to send the tourists crazy.

[Dem Moko Jumbie have tourists crazy]
Tourists say they like to see dancing by the Moko Jumbie
[Dem Moko Jumbie have tourists crazy]
When dem Jumbie start to move, they sure put the tourists in the groove
[Dem Moko Jumbie have tourists crazy]
They move so sweet and they look so cute, at times we just have to follow suit
[Dem Moko Jumbie have tourists crazy]
You see what have we going crazy - the music of the Moko Jumbie
[Dem Moko Jumbie have tourists crazy]

A tourist from Peking, like she feeling hot
It was so embarrassing, put me in a spot
What you think the woman do, she had me in brace
Kitch, I am begging you for some Moko Jumbie waist
I say, "Don't even try, I am much too small
I am only six foot high, I can't wine so tall
But if you really insist, the most I could do
Is to bring a Jumbie moko for you."

[Dem Moko Jumbie have tourists crazy]
Tourists gazing in the air, oh boy, what a wonderful atmosphere
[Dem Moko Jumbie have tourists crazy]
I really can't believe mih eye to see people dancing in the sky
[Dem Moko Jumbie have tourists crazy]
Is there any other country where you find such beautiful scenery?
[Dem Moko Jumbie have tourists crazy]
I've been around and seen the rest but mas' in Trinbago is the best.
[Dem Moko Jumbie have tourists crazy]

She turn and she said to me, "We enjoy the mas'
We love the Moko Jumbie, we think it have class
They move so rhythmic when they start to bump
And their unusual antic make you feel to jump
But how could they really dance on that piece of wood,
And then control their balance to wine so good?"
I say, "Darling that's the creativity in the modern Moko Jumbie."

[Dem Moko Jumbie have tourists crazy]
As the band was passing by, an Englishman tourist start to cry
[Dem Moko Jumbie have tourists crazy]
He say, "This Carnival wreck mih life, a Moko Jumbie gone with mih wife."
[Dem Moko Jumbie have tourists crazy]
An Irish woman say, "She have taste, I only wish I was in her place."
[Dem Moko Jumbie have tourists crazy]
"Oh, I ent going back to Ireland without a Moko Jumbie man."
[Dem Moko Jumbie have tourists crazy]

[Dem Moko Jumbie have tourists crazy
Dem Moko Jumbie have tourists crazy
Dem Moko Jumbie have tourists crazy
Dem Moko Jumbie have tourists crazy
Dem Moko Jumbie have tourists crazy
Dem Moko Jumbie have tourists crazy...]

Source: The lyrics posted on this blog are often transcribed directly from performances. Although it is my intention to faithfully transcribe I do not get all the words and I have a knack for hearing the wrong thing. Please feel free to correct me or to fill in the words that I miss by dropping me a message via e-mail. I'd be forever grateful. Thanks in advance! ..............................................................................................................................

A Note From The Gull

Thank you, Lord Kitchener.

Keylemanjahro Moko Jumbies
Point Fortin Borough Day 2011, Trinidad
Uploaded by Maria Nunes

"Patria est communis omnium parens" - Our native land is the common parent of us all. Keep it beautiful, make it even more so.

Blessed is all of creation
Blessed be my beautiful people
Blessed be the day of our awakening
Blessed is my country
Blessed are her patient hills.

Mweh ka allay!