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By Scrunter
Guaco and he friends from Tobago
Christmas Day reach in front mih door
With a box bass and a cuatro, a violin and a banjo
They say they always had a plan
To give mih family a parang
They wake up mih Mammy right away
When they ring out with this lavway.
Ma Jeffrey oy, get up! It's Christmas morning!
You ent hear the neighbour cock crowing? Oh gyul, it's Christmas morning!
Madam Jeffrey oy, wake up! It's Christmas morning!
I hope you know is White Oak we drinking, yeah gyul, it's Christmas morning!
Madam Jeffrey oy, get up! It's Christmas morning!
Time to put some smoke in yuh kitchen, ey gyul, it's Christmas morning!
Madam Jeffrey oy, wake up! It's Christmas morning!
I hope you know is White Oak we lashing, yeah gyul, it's Christmas morning!
Mammy put coffee on the fire
Encouraging them to stay little longer
Ham and bread on the table
White Oak, she bring out a bottle
The music went in my neighbour head
He pull he old sax below he bed
Come across and join the bacchanal
They wouldn't stop singing at all.
Ma Jeffrey oy, get up! It's Christmas morning!
You ent hear the neighbour cock crowing? Oh gyul, it's Christmas morning!
Madam Jeffrey oy, wake up! It's Christmas morning!
I hope you know is White Oak we drinking, ey gyul, it's Christmas morning!
Madam Jeffrey oy, get up! It's Christmas morning!
Time to put some smoke in yuh kitchen, ey gyul, it's Christmas morning!
Madam Jeffrey oy, wake up! It's Christmas morning!
-------------------------- passing, oh gyul.
People keep coming to and fro
They never hear parang sound sweet so
And dem boys from Tobago, they getting on with heel and toe
I don't know where ------- come from
Fall in without any question
He pick up the pan wey boil the ham
And one time he start to jam.
Ma Jeffrey oy, get up! It's Christmas morning!
You ent hear the neighbour cock crowing? Oh gyul, it's Christmas morning!
Madam Jeffrey oy, wake up! It's Christmas morning!
I hope you know is White Oak we taking, oh gyul, it's Christmas morning!
Madam Jeffrey oy, get up! It's Christmas morning!
Time to put some smoke in yuh kitchen, oh gyul, it's Christmas morning!
Madam Jeffrey oy, get up! It's Christmas morning!
I say is only White Oak we lashing, oh gyul.
Ma Jeffrey oy, get up! It's Christmas morning!
I hope you know is White Oak we drinking, yey gyul!
Madam Jeffrey oy, wake up! It's Christmas morning!
Time to put some smoke in yuh kitchen, oh gyul, it's Christmas morning!
Madam Jeffrey oy, wake up! It's Christmas morning!
Madam Jeffrey oy, get up! It's Christmas morning!
Source: The lyrics posted on this blog are often transcribed directly from performances. Although it is my intention to faithfully transcribe I do not get all the words and I have a knack for hearing the wrong thing. Please feel free to correct me or to fill in the words that I miss by dropping me a message via e-mail. I'd be forever grateful. Thanks in advance!

A Note From The Gull
Thank you, Scrunter!
"Patria est communis omnium parens" - Our native land is the common parent of us all. Keep it beautiful, make it even more so.
Blessed is all of creation
Blessed be my beautiful people
Blessed be the day of our awakening
Blessed is my country
Blessed are her patient hills.
Mweh ka allay!
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