...Accepting Useful Messages For The Nation Even When Their Messengers Annoy.
"Though quite prepared to deal with any mischief directed at me, I hope I will no longer be called upon to account for matters that are now properly under the control of this Government. Stop scapegoating and start governing,"These words, directed at the People's Partnership government and its leader, concluded the Trinidad & Tobago Express' coverage of the press release issued on Wednesday 8 December 2010 by former Prime Minister, Patrick Manning. Though he was focussing specifically on the astounding fancy footwork surrounding the "discovery" of the spying agency and the subsequent fallout, these words sum up what many of us, including some of us who continue to support the new government, have been feeling.
Patrick Manning's words brought Killer's calypso "Mule and Cobo" hurtling back to my mind. It located itself in the current political situation in T&T and presented itself as a metaphor for the relationship between the PP and the PNM. Under the influence of the song's story, I reworded Mister Manning's statement to the PP to read, "Take your head out of my erse and mind your own!"
Big joke you'll hear, just take it coolPoor PNM Mule, exhausted after a sound thrashing, decides post May 24, 2010 to take a little rest to catch its breath. Next thing, the Cobo PP is making some bold assumptions and taking live body to make carcass. It decides to swoop down across the aisle to "test the meat." Well, as is the habit of vultures, the Cobo PP must choose a weak spot to begin its feast, and the Good Lord knows PNM Mule is more weak spot than mule. Cobo PP decides to zone in on the anal orifice. Who send it!
This happen with the cobo and a mule
Big joke you'll hear, just take it cool
This happen with the cobo and a mule
The mule feel tired so he lie down
Cobo think he dead, he fly down on the ground
Hungry like fire, fus he want to eat
Chook he head by the tail to test the meat.
PNM Mule: WTA!! Well ask a question nah?
Cobo PP learns immediately that the PNM Mule is very much alive and kicking as it scrambles to its feet and takes off pelting down the street, "Brigadip brigadip, the mule running..."
[Brigadip brigadip, the mule running]Well both of them now in lacouray. PNM Mule is bolting down the road with Cobo PP's head trapped in a hot, steamy sphincter clench.
As if he flying with the cobo lock behind
[Brigadip brigadip, the mule running]
As if he flying with the cobo lock behind.
According to this song the PNM Mule is defeated but no mention is made of the fate of the unfortunate Cobo PP. All indications are that the Cobo PP will go the way of the PNM Mule, the two having locked themselves irreversibly in mortal combat.
Some of us may already be concluding that it might not be a bad thing if they do put each other out of their miseries. Maybe with the two zombie light blockers removed, something new and improved will finally have a chance to reach for the sky.
If it eventually breaks free from this tailspin, the Cobo PP would have learned one lesson: Never assume that anything is dead until you can actually see grass growing through its rib cage. Don't make any arrogant assumptions about the PNM Mule and its hidden reserves of strength. True, it looks like death warmed over, but you ever hear 'bout playing dead to catch cobo alive?
The more you spend time attacking the PNM Mule and the past, the more it appears that you cannot envision or realise a better future.
Patrick Manning asks an important question, "Is this incompetence, carelessness, indifference or worse?"
All I know without a doubt is that after all that we have endured, the citizens of this country should not be asked to choose from that list which extends the miserable choices being considered here - incompetence or corruption.
PP and PNM, we are watching you both. You can take each other down but we are NOT going down with you. Whenever you try to slip us mediocrity or worse, you will be told in no uncertain terms to scrap it and take it, and yourselves, back to the drawing board. We understand that evolution is iterative and we will be patient and help you if we feel that you are worthy of TRUST. If you haven't realised it by now, TRUST is the crucial element that is missing.
Just have some respect for the people who voted for you. Have some respect for yourselves and the legacy that you will leave behind. Have some respect for our nation.
Cobo PP, do try to extricate your head from the PNM Mule's erse and let us move forward. While it is clearly too late for you to amaze us with an ability to hit the ground running AND sounding like political thoroughbreds, I want to believe with every feather on my body that it is NOT TOO LATE for you to wheel and come again.
Well, I couldn't believe what I seeing
Behind the mule tail the cobo was flying
Friends, look I laugh, I nearly dead
Seeing the cobo and I cannot see the head.
[Brigadip brigadip, the mule running]
As if he flying with the cobo lock behind.
[Brigadip brigadip, the mule running]
As if he flying with the cobo lock behind."
[Link will open in new window.]
Manning: Incompetence or carelessness?..............................................................................................................................
SIA confusion
By Ria Taitt Political Editor
Trinidad & Tobago Express | Dec 9, 2010
Confusion reigns supreme at the highest levels of the Government which is creating "despair and uncertainty" at home and "growing derision" abroad, former prime minister Patrick Manning has stated.
In a press release issued yesterday, Manning spoke of the "dangerous spectacle" of the Commissioner of Police having to contradict the Prime Minister on the matter of accounting responsibilities of the SIA, with the Prime Minister eventually having to admit she was wrong.
"And all done through blaring headlines in the newspapers," Manning said in a press release issued yesterday.
"What in the world is going on here? Is this how you manage the critical matter of our national security, by generating unnecessary and dangerous tensions between the political directorate and the leadership of this critical arm of the law?" Manning asked.
Manning said it was inconceivable that the Prime Minister, as Chairman of the National Security Council, should not have immediately known who has responsibility for the SIA.
"Is this incompetence, carelessness, indifference or worse? It is disconcerting for the country that the Prime Minister has again had to correct an error. This regular need for our nation's leader to backtrack and apologise cannot generate confidence in the leadership of Trinidad and Tobago. Instead, it is creating despair and uncertainty at home and growing derision abroad," he said.
The former prime minister said the growing tensions between the Prime Minister and the Commissioner of Police arising from the matter of the files as well as from the problem of mounting criminal activity, were alarming. "First, there was the very public upbraiding of Mr Gibbs and the leadership of the Police Service in a much publicised visit to Police Headquarters as part of a carefully orchestrated piece of political theatre. After all, the show of governing must go on," he said.
Manning said Justice Minister Herbert Volney has attempted, "in his wild way", to solve the growing mystery of the missing SIA files by claiming knowledge of their destruction by "two shady Israeli individuals". Manning said Volney also suggested that he (Manning) as former prime minister, knew what happened to the documents.
"Mr Volney will have to eventually clarify his own mystery of Middle-Eastern intervention in matters of national security. However, I wish to make it absolutely clear that I have no such information with which I am credited by the Minister. I have been out of the Office of the Prime Minister for going on seven months, I know nothing of where these files are," he said.
Manning said no one is able to reveal the whereabouts of these files.
"But Mr Ashworth Jack says he saw them and so has a leading journalist. However, the Prime Minister claims categorically that she has never had these files, nor has she ever set eyes on them. Yet she comes to the Parliament revealing information supposedly contained in these files, and holding documents aloft, waving them theatrically to support her claims," he said.
"What is the truth Prime Minister? Did you or did you not ever have these files in your possession? Have you ever seen them? Did you ever read any of them, certainly, for example, the ones that would have contained the names of those individuals whose names you so carelessly called in Parliament? If not, it was scandalously irresponsible of you not to verify the source of the information that you gave to the nation with such fanfare and indignant self-righteousness. Speak the truth to us, Prime Minister. That's only fair," Manning stated.
Manning suggested that CoP Dwayne Gibbs be called upon to shed much needed light on these matters, at least to reassure citizens that the files are secure, safe from mischievous intent on the part of unscrupulous individuals.
"We look forward to hearing from the Commissioner of Police, who, so far, has been speaking clearly and plainly to us, unlike the Prime Minister and many in her Cabinet. The nation should be spared any further shocks on this matter as well as the entertaining allegations of Mr Volney," Manning said.
"Though quite prepared to deal with any mischief directed at me, I hope I will no longer be called upon to account for matters that are now properly under the control of this Government. Stop scapegoating and start governing," he said.
"Patria est communis omnium parens" - Our native land is the common parent of us all. Keep it beautiful, make it even more so.
Blessed is all of creation
Blessed be my beautiful people
Blessed be the day of our awakening
Blessed is my country
Blessed are her patient hills.
Mweh ka allay!

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