Uploaded by Haitianbeatz Makak
A Note From The Gull
"What we must know is that the world is changing and we must change the way we see the world and one of the things we need is more friendship, more love because we have only one world. The world is only one and is for all of us."
I watched this video tonight and it lifted me up. With all the bad news in the world today, I want to say with gratitude, "Blessed are the community builders." I fully appreciate the importance of agriculture before all other industries and I am also an avid supporter and practitioner of organic agriculture. I have to say that Cubans continue to convince me that they are way ahead of the rest of us.
Permaculture courses are offered in Trinidad and Tobago but for those of you who would like to combine a permaculture design course with a visit to Cuba, the 2013 International Permaculture Congress and Convergence will be held there from the 11th November to the 5th December. The theme this year is: "Cuba: towards Hurricane Proof Permaculture Systems. Permaculture in Islands and Cities, facing Climate Change Challenge."
Activities will include:
"- a Permaculture Design Course facilitated by internationally renowned teachers: Ron Berezan (CA), Brock Dolman (USA), Paulo Mellet (UK) and Cuba’s own Roberto Perez Rivero. Cary Cruz and Carmen Cabrera will also be invited teachers from Cuba.
- a 3 day Conference with the themes "Island Permaculture, Urban Permaculture, and Permaculture and Climate Change"
- a 5 day Convergence and visits to permaculture and sustainability sites in Havana and two Provinces of Cuba to see examples of Permaculture CUBA STYLE!" SOURCE
"Patria est communis omnium parens" - Our native land is the common parent of us all. Keep it beautiful, make it even more so.
Blessed is all of creation
Blessed be my beautiful people
Blessed be the day of our awakening
Blessed is my country
Blessed are her patient hills.
Mweh ka allay!
Labels: agricultural cooperatives, alternative energy, animal draught power, animal-powered transport, bicycles, biomass energy, biofertilizers, biopesticides, The Camel, car pooling, Cuba, education, energy sufficiency, food forests, food security, food sufficiency, green manure, health services, housing, land distribution, land reform, mass transit, organic agriculture, organoponicos, peak oil, permaculture, soil amendment, solar power, sustainable agriculture, The Special Period, transportation, undercover farming, urban farming, urban gardening, usufruct, usufructory property systems, vermicompost, vermiculture, xeriscaping.
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