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By Mighty Spoiler
Since I small, I always believe
Father Christmas does come on Christmas Eve
Since I small, I always believe
Father Christmas does come on Christmas Eve
When I was small I used to hang up my stocking
So much ah toys I used to get Christmas morning
Now I big like a man-o-war
Last year I hang up a rice bag in front mih door...oh mih darling!
Christmas morning I wake up early
To see what Father Christmas put for me
He put a police in a short pants
With a warrant for me for wife maintenance...oh lord!
You can bet the Federal Flag
Greediness make me hang up the rice bag
Why you think I do that?
Because, I thought I would have a thing on Santa Claus
That when he passing with the reindeer
And he spot mih rice bag, he would declare
Spoiler is hungry, leh we put a couple roast fig in dey for he... never happen!
The Christmas morning I wake up early
To see what Father Christmas put for me
He put a police like Jack Palance
With a warrant for me for wife maintenance...oh lord!
I never see more in my life
How the man know that I doesn't mind my wife?
Right away I start to study
I decided, oh yes, to make inquiry
I tie the police in the kitchen
I run down the road and I asking, I asking
I started to shake when I hear
Mother New Year's give him the rake...oh mih darling!
Christmas morning I wake up early
To see what Father Christmas bring for me
He bring a police like Jack Palance
With a warrant for me for wife maintenance...oh lord!
Christmas could be ten times a year, not me!
Again to hang nothing anywhere
Fus I fraid that this Santa Claus
Next time he might put in a couple gun slingers
So when people making preparation
Spoiler will come to one conclusion
Let mih house stop so
I wouldn't hang up a balloon in front mih door...just because
Christmas morning I wake up early
To see what Father Christmas put for me
He bring a police in a short pants
With a warrant for me for wife maintenance...
Yes, it is the Spoiler. Ah wanna fall
Source: The lyrics posted on this blog are often transcribed directly from performances. Although it is my intention to faithfully transcribe I do not get all the words and I have a knack for hearing the wrong thing. Please feel free to correct me or to fill in the words that I miss by dropping me a message via e-mail. I'd be forever grateful. Thanks in advance!

A Note From The Gull
Thank you, Mighty Spoiler!
"Patria est communis omnium parens" - Our native land is the common parent of us all. Keep it beautiful, make it even more so.
Blessed is all of creation
Blessed be my beautiful people
Blessed be the day of our awakening
Blessed is my country
Blessed are her patient hills.
Mweh ka allay!
Here are the missing lyrics in the song:
You can bet the Federal Flag
Greediness make me hang up the rice bag
and later on the line is
Christmas could be ten times a year, not me!
Again to hang nothing anywhere
Fus ah fraid dat dis santa claus
Next time he might put in a couple gun slingers
Thanks for the lyrics
The gull is dancing with joy! Thank you, thank you, thank you for taking the time to help. Are you The 'Cafe con leche' L.S.? Whoever you are, you are pure gold!
There's a cover of this song by David Rudder and he sings it nice and slow. He sings something like: "You can bet the Federal Flag,
Queen Elizabeth didn't hang up the rice bag". I guess that is probably right - fits with the Federal Flag because she was head of state of the West Indies Federation, and fits with the line that follows ("Why you think that I do that?").
Great song and great blog! Much more to explore.
Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment. I am glad that you find the blog useful. Thanks for the info about David Rudder's cover of this song which can be enjoyed on YouTube.
I love this song... Itry singing along with the lyrics, its a wonderfully funny scenario Spoiler is describing here. I never see more in my life!
Glad you enjoyed the song, Santos3. My favourite line is:
"Spoiler is hungry, leh we put a couple roast fig in dey for he... never happen!"
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