By Sharlene Flores
Sereno sereno sereno sera | Sereno sereno sereno will be
Estos son serenos de la madrugá | These are serenos of the dawn
Sereno sereno sereno sera | Sereno sereno sereno will be
Estos son serenos de la madrugá. | These are serenos of the dawn.
A la medianoche salió el lucero | At midnight the star came out
Alumbró el camino al Dios verdadero | It lit up the way to the True God
A la medianoche salió el lucero | At midnight the star came out
Alumbró el camino al Dios verdadero. | It lit up the way to the True God
Sereno sereno sereno sera | Sereno sereno sereno will be
Estos son serenos de la madrugá | These are serenos of the dawn
Sereno sereno sereno sera | Sereno sereno sereno will be
Estos son serenos de la madrugá. | These are serenos of the dawn.
La Virgen Maria se va a Belen | The Virgin Mary is going to Bethlehem
Y nosotros todos vamonos tambien | And all of us also
La Virgen Maria se va a Belen | The Virgin Mary is going to Bethlehem
Y nosotros todos vamonos tambien; | And all of us also.
Sereno sereno sereno sera | Sereno sereno sereno will be
Estos son serenos de la madrugá | These are serenos of the dawn
Sereno sereno sereno sera | Sereno sereno sereno will be
Estos son serenos de la madrugá. | These are serenos of the dawn.
Sereno sereno sereno sera | Sereno sereno sereno will be
Estos son serenos de la madrugá | These are serenos of the dawn
Sereno sereno sereno sera | Sereno sereno sereno will be
Estos son serenos de la madrugá. | These are serenos of the dawn.
Nosotros nos vamos de aqui pa adelante | We are leaving here to go onwards
Tu llevas la vela somos caminantes | You take the candle, we are walkers
Nosotros nos vamos de aqui pa adelante | We are leaving here to go onwards
Tu llevas la vela somos caminantes | You take the candle, we are walkers.
Sereno sereno sereno sera | Sereno sereno sereno will be
Estos son serenos de la madrugá | These are serenos of the dawn
Sereno sereno sereno sera | Sereno sereno sereno will be
Estos son serenos de la madrugá. | These are serenos of the dawn.
Cuando Dios nació, nació caminando | When God was born, He was born walking
Con su maraquita pidiendo aguinaldos | With his little marac asking for gifts
Cuando Dios nació, nació caminando | When God was born, He was born walking
Con su maraquita pidiendo aguinaldos | With his little marac asking for gifts.
Sereno sereno sereno sera | Sereno sereno sereno will be
Estos son serenos de la madrugá | These are serenos of the dawn
Sereno sereno sereno sera | Sereno sereno sereno will be
Estos son serenos de la madrugá. | These are serenos of the dawn...
Source: The lyrics posted on this blog are often transcribed directly from performances. Although it is my intention to faithfully transcribe I do not get all the words and I have a knack for hearing the wrong thing. Please feel free to correct me or to fill in the words that I miss by dropping me a message via e-mail. I'd be forever grateful. Thanks in advance! .............................................................................................

A Note From The Gull
Thank you Flores De San Jose!
I am not happy with my translation of the line: Sereno sereno sereno sera | Sereno sereno sereno will be. Does not make sense to me. Looking at other Venezuelan songs which contain a repetition of sereno, I found this on at the blog El Cuatro Venezolano. The song's title is Sereno and the line that is repeated throughout the song is, "Sereno, sereno ¿qué hora serán?" Could it be that our "Sereno sereno sereno sera" was originally "Sereno, sereno ¿qué hora serán?" I searched on the Internet and found out that in the past a sereno was a person like a neighbourhood watchman who was paid to walk the streets and report any problems, monitor street lighting and in some cases to open doors so he had custody of keys. He would also announce the time. He would be armed with a club or pike, and would use a whistle to raise the alarm, if necessary. This figure existed in Spain and some countries in South America. In Peru this service was called "serenazgo." SOURCE
Wikipedia also has some information about the sereno.
Still a mystery as far as our song goes. Will update if I find clarification.
"Patria est communis omnium parens" - Our native land is the common parent of us all. Keep it beautiful, make it even more so.
Blessed is all of creation
Blessed be my beautiful people
Blessed be the day of our awakening
Blessed is my country
Blessed are her patient hills.
Mweh ka allay!
saludos, una pregunta: Quién es el autor de la parang sereno sereno?
y preguntar si es de Venezuela o de Trinidad
Thanks for your interesting questions which unfortunately I cannot answer at this point in time. I would not be at all surprised if the song or concept originated in Venezuela as many of our traditional parang songs were brought from Venezuela and other Latin American countries. If I discover anything new I will add it in another comment.
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