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By the Soca Parang Serenaders
Merry Christmas everyone!
Peace and love, joy and celebration.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Peace and love, joy and celebration.
I never see a parang side so
Going house to house by people that they ent know
I join the band in front by Sharon
And when I reach the door, we started singing this one.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Peace and love, joy and celebration.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Peace and love, joy and celebration.
I join the band not just for Christmas cheer
I hear it have plenty Spanish woman living down here
I looking for wife, me ent have no shame
So I moving with the band, playing the game.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Peace and love, joy and celebration.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Peace and love, joy and celebration.
Well, I reach and I feeling great [oh ya yea]
What a feast, I full up a plate [oh ya yea]
I go sing, I go sing, I go sing some parang [oh ya yea]
And I bring, yes I bring, yes I bring the gang.
Merry, merry Christmas everyone!
Peace and love, joy and celebration.
Merry, merry Christmas everyone!
Peace and love, joy and celebration.
Every year I does make mih barrel of rum
But this year I decide that I ent making none
I paranging hard with no liquor
And every house I hit, I drinking out the chaser.
So Merry Christmas everyone!
Peace and love, joy and celebration.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Peace and love, joy and celebration.
The fellas pass by me and they tief everything
But I ent get horrors, 'cause I love mih paranging
I decide to fall in and join the session
Dis one only telling me how he love Spanish woman
Merry Christmas everyone!
Peace and love, joy and celebration.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Peace and love, joy and celebration.
I join the band 'cause I 'fraid for people to come by me
'Cause I ent clean up yet, I doh want nobody see
My rooms ent paint up, mih curtains ent wash
So I going house to house looking for mih paintbrush.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Peace and love, joy and celebration.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Peace and love, joy and celebration.
I was on the corner when the parang band pass
I say I go follow them to get some drinks in mih glass
The parang was easy, it wasn't no fuss
And when they strike it up, I join in with the chorus.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Peace and love, joy and celebration.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Peace and love, joy and celebration.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Peace and love, joy and celebration.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Peace and love, joy and celebration.
Merry, merry Christmas everyone!
Peace and love, joy and celebration.
So Merry Christmas everyone!
Peace and love, joy and celebration...
Source: The lyrics posted on this blog are often transcribed directly from performances. Although it is my intention to faithfully transcribe I do not get all the words and I have a knack for hearing the wrong thing. Please feel free to correct me or to fill in the words that I miss by dropping me a message via e-mail. I'd be forever grateful. Thanks in advance! ..............................................................................................................................

A Note From The Gull
Thank you, Soca Parang Serenaders!
Merry Christmas everyone! Peace and love, joy and celebration.
"Patria est communis omnium parens" - Our native land is the common parent of us all. Keep it beautiful, make it even more so.
Blessed is all of creation
Blessed be my beautiful people
Blessed be the day of our awakening
Blessed is my country
Blessed are her patient hills.
Mweh ka allay!