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Musical Production by Jamoo Good News Ltd | Video Production by Viscuna Brothers Production Company Ltd.
IYC 2012!
For human need, not human greed
This is the answer, working together
For human need, not human greed
We backing co-operation
And this is the celebration. [Repeat]
We were born out of love and a special bond
Co-operatives unite to serve everyone
Meeting economic, cultural and social needs
Democratic in nature, our/its members to please.
For human need, not human greed
This is the answer, working together
For human need, not human greed
We backing co-operation
And this is the celebration. [Repeat]
So we go plant de land, hand in hand
We go save, we go save and build a better life
Securing jobs, food for all
We transport, play pan
Even teach de young. [Repeat]
IYC, everybody say IYC
IYC, everybody say IYC
IYC, jump 2012, look we coming, look we coming, look we coming
IYC everybody say IYC
IYC everybody say IYC
IYC, jump 2012, look we coming, look we coming, look we coming.
Twenty twelve, twenty twelve
Co-operatives will build a better world.
For human need, not human greed
This is the answer, working together
For human need, not human greed
We backing co-operation
And this is the celebration.

A Note From The Gull
Some of us are leery of cooperation [Partnership is leaky ship] and this makes the concept of cooperation messier and less attractive than the sweet simplicity of "I take care of mine, You take care of yours." For co-operative efforts to succeed, more effort is required at all levels, more generousity of spirit, more patience, more mutual respect, more equality, more communication, more transparency.
Growing a nation is cooperative work. Even though on the world stage we stand among those states that are self governing, free from larger controlling units, free to have our own opinions and to guide our own conduct, unless we are a dictatorship, respect for the interdependence of the souls within this nation should be the fuel of this independence. If we are not yet at the stage where we are all working together for each other, then our leaders must show by word and example how very much we need one another. No one must be excluded or left behind.
I will borrow and adapt the spoken introduction to the song "For Human Need" and leave it with us all at this time:
To work for yourself is special, to know what you do is for you. To work for a nation is even more special, to know what WE do is for US. Let us work for ourselves together, for human need and not human greed.
"We backing co-operation
And this is the celebration."
"Patria est communis omnium parens" - Our native land is the common parent of us all. Keep it beautiful, make it even more so.
Blessed is all of creation
Blessed be my beautiful people
Blessed be the day of our awakening
Blessed is my country
Blessed are her patient hills.
Mweh ka allay!