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By Maestro
Presently almost everybody talking about black identity
But if you check out the majority, they only using these words falsely
Because the first thing that is a shame - African people with European name
That is the first step we have to take to correct a prehistoric mistake.
If you hear Seecharan, Ramkelhawan, Lalchan, Balchan
Well, bet your life that's an East Indian man
Jose, Juan, Gonzalez, Manuel, Sancho, Pablo
You sure them fellahs from Mexico
So why my name couldn't be Njaka, Lumumba, Makeba or Kenyatta?
If we use these names, then we sure to be on the stairway to true black identity.
If you retrace your steps from the start, you find names play an important part
For if you did some great thing in history they might want to record your activity
But if your name Hutchinson or Graham, no one could tell that you were a black man
So this is why it's an important factor to use the names of your African ancestors.
------------------------ Baba or Mustapha
Well, you sure dem fellahs come from Arabia
Rommel, ----------- Adolph, Vich hoven, Von Eichmann
Well, bet your hand dem boys is German
So why your name couldn't be Mobutu, Kasabubu, ------ or Ojukwu?
Change your name from George Weekes to Wakamba
So we could know that you serious 'bout Black Power.
Now no African should be reluctant to pass this on to his descendants
These names that you so dearly consider, belonging to the white slave master
You lost your name and this you must know in the slave trade many years ago
And these present names, you must understand, you contributing to slave time tradition.
Nam Fong Chow Chang, Ying Tang Tse Tung, Wang Yu, Look Long, Ping Lee
Well, then you sure them fellahs is Chinee
Vladimir, Kosikov, Kruschev, Mikoyan, Kowalski,
Well, them is Russian men naturally
So why my name couldn't be Danjuma, Tafawa, Lumumba or Nkrumah?
Change your name from Chalkdust to Pygmybus
So we could know that you really Afro conscious.
Now some people walk round in dashiki, some preach Ashante, some Swahili
While others think a bracelet of silver creates reflections of Africa
Yet when they die, you watch on their tombstone, is Patterson, Atson, Jackson, Calhearn
That is counterfeit identity, these people must be lost in world history.
The fact remains that ten Hindu out of every twenty could still talk at least a lil bit of Hindi
And also twenty nine out of every thirty Chinee could speak their language most fluently
Then why my people can't do the same if we really want back we name
Then the white man will stand by and let you pass
And he go say the black man get serious at last.
Source: The lyrics posted on this blog are often transcribed directly from performances. Although it is my intention to faithfully transcribe I do not get all the words and I have a knack for hearing the wrong thing. Please feel free to correct me or to fill in the words that I miss by dropping me a message via e-mail. I'd be forever grateful. Thanks in advance!
"Patria est communis omnium parens" - Our native land is the common parent of us all. Keep it beautiful, make it even more so.
Blessed is all of creation
Blessed be my beautiful people
Blessed be the day of our awakening
Blessed is my country
Blessed are her patient hills.
Mweh ka allay!

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