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By Crazy
In Trinidad and Tobago politics was We and Them
That was never meant to be so according to the anthem
But ethnic insecurity was maintained to divide us
By some people in the country to sow the seeds of distrust
But we have brought a new system within the community
Now what used to be We and Them, has now become only We.
From now on this nation is We, from now on it is You and I
From now on it is unity, from now on we flying high
All the races have come together to build a better country
And create a brighter future for the whole society
The We and Them thing is no more because it is plain to see
In this country from shore to shore, the community is We
No more We and Them from now on, this nation is We, We, We
No more We and Them from now on, this nation is We and We and We and We.
Some ancestors came from India and some came from Africa
Look, today their descendants are here coexisting together
There are others who came here too - the Chinese, Syrians and such
Native people are just a few in this land that we love so much
But the politics of the day and the love for a party
Cause people to begin to say, Them is Them and We is We.
From now on this country is We, from now on we all shall be One
From now that's how it shall be, from now on all division done
As today united we stand the people of Trinbago
One country, one nation, one island, chutney, pan and calypso
It's Trinidad and Tobago, better known as T&T
And we want the whole world to know we see ourselves as We
No more We and Them from now on, this nation is We, We, We
No more We and Them from now on, this nation is We and We and We and We.
Mother Africa and India in this nation is no more
And Mother China done disappear, gone away for good, I'm sure
If we want to build a relation, there can be no We and Them
In spite of ethnic persuasion, all should fit in the system
Side by side, we stand hand in hand within the society
This fair paradise island because you and I is We
From now on Laventille is We, from not on race do not matter
From now on We means unity, from now one we are together
They cannot divide we again 'cause we enter a new era
United we shall all remain, looking out for each other
Eric tell we, "Massa day done", today it is plain to see
Today a new paradigm has begun and that paradigm is We
No more We and Them from now on, this nation is We, We, We
No more We and Them from now on, this nation is We and We and We and We.
Some politicians have tried their best to keep we subdivided
As they policies would attest, and now we are united
Using that old colonial scheme, they sought to divide and rule
Because if we are not a team, we are more easy to fool
Look they had us fighting each other, causing misery and pain
Now all these times are gone forever ------ ever again
From now on Trinidad is We, from now on one philosophy
From now on Tobago shall be, from now on standing equally
No more African, no more Indian, we shall all be citizens
Forged together to build one nation, though we are different persons
Done away with the We and Them in this land of La Trinité
Whenever we sing the anthem, from now on is only We
No more We and Them from now on, this nation is We, We, We
No more We and Them from now on, this nation is We and We and We and We.
No more We and Them from now on, this nation is We, We, We
No more We and Them from now on, this nation is We and We and We and We.
Source: The lyrics posted on this blog are often transcribed directly from performances. Although it is my intention to faithfully transcribe I do not get all the words and I have a knack for hearing the wrong thing. Please feel free to correct me or to fill in the words that I miss by dropping me a message via e-mail. I'd be forever grateful. Thanks in advance!
"Patria est communis omnium parens" - Our native land is the common parent of us all. Keep it beautiful, make it even more so.
Blessed is all of creation
Blessed be my beautiful people
Blessed be the day of our awakening
Blessed is my country
Blessed are her patient hills.
Mweh ka allay!

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