"Foreign Secretary William Hague said the UK would not allow Mr Assange safe passage out of the country and the move was also criticised by Stockholm.
Ecuador said it would seek to negotiate arrangements for Mr Assange to leave.
"We don't think it is reasonable that, after a sovereign government has made the decision of granting political asylum, a citizen is forced to live in an embassy for a long period," Foreign Minister Ricardo Patino said." SOURCE
16 August 2012 - UPDATE: Julian Asange has been granted asylum by Ecuador. See Tweet below from Ricardo Patiño Aroca, Ecuador's Minister of External Affairs.Ricardo Patiño Aroca @RicardoPatinoECSee also the Twitter page of the Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Comercio e Integración / MMRREE, Ecuador, and their website.
Gobierno ecuatoriano anunciará en Cancillería, mañana a 7h00, hora Ecuador, su decisión sobre pedido de asilo político de Julian Assange.
15 August, 2012 - Jiggy with backed-up post Olympics testosterone and chasing the dream of pleasing their American overlords, the British have curled back the stiff upper lip to reveal their fanged intentions. Today they threatened to invade the Ecuadorian Embassy to grab WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange, who has been taking refuge at the mission since mid-June and who has also requested asylum in Ecuador. Those of you who do not know why Julian Assange sought refuge at the Ecuadorian embassy can Google the subject but this post is more to share my disgust with what constitutes a threat against the sovereignty of the Ecuadorian Embassy. This action would be a breach of international law and the protocols set out in the Vienna Convention. Meanwhile, the Ecuadorean government has said that any such action would be considered a violation of its sovereignty.
I will update."At a news conference in Quito on Wednesday, Ecuador's Foreign Minister, Ricardo Patino, said a letter from the UK government had been delivered through a British embassy official.
"Today we received from the United Kingdom an express threat, in writing, that they might storm our embassy in London if we don't hand over Julian Assange," he said.
"Ecuador rejects in the most emphatic terms the explicit threat of the British official communication."
He said such a threat was "improper of a democratic, civilised and rule-abiding country".
He added: "If the measure announced in the British official communication is enacted, it will be interpreted by Ecuador as an unacceptable, unfriendly and hostile act and as an attempt against our sovereignty. It would force us to respond.
"We are not a British colony." SOURCE
"Patria est communis omnium parens" - Our native land is the common parent of us all. Keep it beautiful, make it even more so.
Blessed is all of creation
Blessed be my beautiful people
Blessed be the day of our awakening
Blessed is my country
Blessed are her patient hills.
Mweh ka allay!

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