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By Black Stalin
Spoken: Say thanks, say thanks! Say thanks for the blessings!
Trini! Trini, you have it, you know!
Trini, you have it! You better doh lose it!
We have a beautiful country, healthy economy
Brilliant young people, ready and able
Blessed by the Creator, no natural disaster
All these things in front we eye and we still ent satisfy.
What more, what more, what more, what more could we ask for?
Trini, you crazy, Trini, you mad, Trini, you crazy!
What more, what more, what more, what more could we ask for?
You have it! You have it! You have it!
[What more, what more, what more, what more could we ask for?]
You hear me!
We have the world's best batsman, netball champion
Olympic silver and gold, Miss Universe and Miss World
The smallest nation ever to make the final in the soccer
Sometimes I does want to know why the Father loves we so.
What more, what more, what more, what more could we ask for?
[What more?] Sing it! [What more, what more, what more could we ask for?]
Chant it one more time!
[What more, what more, what more, what more could we ask for?]
[What more, what more, what more, what more could we ask for?]
Trini, you blessed!
[What more, what more, what more, what more could we ask for?]
What more, what more, what more?
[What more, what more, what more, what more could we ask for?]
Hear me!
Trini, you crazy, Trini, you mad!
With all these blessing, you should be glad
[You must be crazy, must be crazy, must be crazy!]
Instead of saying thanks for the blessings,
Trini, you fighting, you not uniting!
We have it, we don't know it,
Better be careful we doh lose it!
[You must be crazy, must be crazy, must be crazy!]
You got to say thanks for the blessing
But Trini, look, you not uniting!
Come, come, come, come, come, COME!!
Great mathematician, great historian
Storyteller and actor, famous musician
We invent the steelpan
Great people from this place and we still talking race?
What more, what more, what more, what more could we ask for?
You must be crazy, you must be crazy! Trini, you mad!
[What more, what more, what more, what more could we ask for?]
[What more, what more, what more, what more could we ask for?]
Trini, you mad, Trini, you mad!
All these things in we favour, we still not together
In peace and harmony in this beautiful country
All the Father blessing that we keep enjoying
All the thanks we got to give just to be more positive.
What more, what more, what more, what more could we ask for?
Trini, you crazy, Trini, you mad, Trini, you crazy!
[What more, what more, what more, what more could we ask for?]
Sing it again, sing it again!
[What more, what more, what more, what more could we ask for?]
Give thanks, give thanks, give thanks for the blessings!
[What more, what more, what more, what more could we ask for?]
Give thanks, give thanks, and stop all the fighting!
[What more, what more, what more, what more could we ask for?]
---- yes, we have it, we don't know it, be careful we doh lose it
[What more, what more, what more, what more could we ask for?]
What more, what more, what more...
What more could we ask for?
Source: The lyrics posted on this blog are often transcribed directly from performances. Although it is my intention to faithfully transcribe I do not get all the words and I have a knack for hearing the wrong thing. Please feel free to correct me or to fill in the words that I miss by dropping me a message via e-mail. I'd be forever grateful. Thanks in advance!
A Note From The Gull
Thank you, Black Stalin! I imagine the cynics totally missing the message of this song and proceeding to recite extensive lists of what more we could be asking for. I understand that you are reminding us that in our bountiful land, WE have been given all the necessities required to sustain prosperous and peaceful lives. It is what we do with our many blessings that leads us to where we are. Many made, and continue to make decisions to grab unfair portions of these blessings or to trade these blessings for "things" or to abuse and destroy these blessings. We want the trappings of "progress" and "success" at all costs. This is the baited hook that we swallow and to which we lead our children.
I cannot speak for anyone else but in my experience, Trinidad and Tobago is the source of the best that I have ever experienced and received in my life. Wherever I am in the world, I will continue to turn in its direction and to bow before this beautiful place.
Mama and Papa, I kiss your hardworking and loving hands. In my heart I embrace the soul of my land. I salute the hope of the hopeful. How can those of us who are grateful ever refrain from singing?
Again, many thanks, Black Stalin.
"Better one handful with tranquility
than two handfuls with toil
and chasing after the wind."
--Ecclesiastes 4:6
than two handfuls with toil
and chasing after the wind."
--Ecclesiastes 4:6
I cannot speak for anyone else but in my experience, Trinidad and Tobago is the source of the best that I have ever experienced and received in my life. Wherever I am in the world, I will continue to turn in its direction and to bow before this beautiful place.
Mama and Papa, I kiss your hardworking and loving hands. In my heart I embrace the soul of my land. I salute the hope of the hopeful. How can those of us who are grateful ever refrain from singing?
"We have it, we don't know it,
Better be careful we doh lose it!..
You got to say thanks for the blessing
But Trini, look, you not uniting!"
Better be careful we doh lose it!..
You got to say thanks for the blessing
But Trini, look, you not uniting!"
Again, many thanks, Black Stalin.
"Patria est communis omnium parens" - Our native land is the common parent of us all. Keep it beautiful, make it even more so.
Blessed is all of creation
Blessed be my beautiful people
Blessed be the day of our awakening
Blessed is my country
Blessed are her patient hills.
Mweh ka allay!
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