By Mighty Spoiler
My cousin died many years in Toco
And she leave a lot of money for Spoilo
My cousin died many years in Toco
And she leave a lot of money for Spoilo
Now people saying that I lousy
Saying that the Spoiler don't spend his money
But if they put the world in a pitch oil tin
I cannot even pay a cent to see the thing spin.
Just because I have my money in the bank since the age of nine
And them big shot put theirs on mine
I have to wait again just a couple years
In order to get out mine, they have to take off theirs.
Well. sometimes I wake in the morning
I know I have my money but is the getting
Run down the road and credit a taxi
I saying that I'm going and collect currency
Reach in the bank, if you see the cashier
From left to right she shaking she finger
“Go away, Mr Phillip, no sense you stop.
"Your money is about two feet six from the top.”
Just because I have my money in the bank since the age of nine
Oh, them big shot put theirs on mine
I have to wait again just a couple years
In order to get out mine, they have to take off theirs.
I pull so much strings, I pull cable wire
To see if they could move my money from the centre
Stand up by the bank sometime for a fortnight
Wetting in the rain, drying in the sunlight
One day the cashier send and she call me
I say, “Well today, Spoiler have some money.”
But instead of money she say, “Mr Thorne
Just put another thousand on top and gone.”
Just because I have my money in the bank since the age of nine
Oh, them big shot put theirs on mine
I have to wait again just a couple years
In order to get out mine, they have to take off theirs.
Is no sense to worry and go half crazy
More patience than Job, I go take it easy
Some have their cars to go Point Cumana
But I am going to ride on my wooden scooter
Some have their big, fat turkey for Christmas
But when the day come, I must eat a breakfast
Ah done accustom, let me continue
To live on Vaseline and camphor ball stew.
Just because I have my money in the bank since the age of nine
And them big shot put theirs on mine
I have to wait again just a couple years
In order to get out mine, they have to take off theirs.
Source: The lyrics posted on this blog are often transcribed directly from performances. Although it is my intention to faithfully transcribe I do not get all the words and I have a knack for hearing the wrong thing. Please feel free to correct me or to fill in the words that I miss by dropping me a message via e-mail. I'd be forever grateful. Thanks in advance! ..............................................................................................................................

A Note From The Gull
Thank you, Mighty Spoiler!
"Patria est communis omnium parens" - Our native land is the common parent of us all. Keep it beautiful, make it even more so.
Blessed is all of creation
Blessed be my beautiful people
Blessed be the day of our awakening
Blessed is my country
Blessed are her patient hills.
Mweh ka allay!
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