By Dennis Pavao
Aia i Kona kai ʻōpua i ka laʻi
ʻAʻohe lua e like ai me ʻoe
Aia i Kona kai ʻōpua i ka laʻi
ʻAʻohe lua e like ai me ʻoe.
There at Kona are the cloud banks and calm seas
Second to none, you are incomparable.
Malihini mākou iā ʻoe i Kona
I ke kono a ke aloha no mākou
Malihini mākou iā ʻoe i Kona
I ke kono a ke aloha no mākou.
We are your guests in Kona
By invitation, with love for us.
Haʻina ʻia mai ana ka puana
ʻAʻohe lua e like ai me ʻoe
Haʻina ʻia mai ana ka puana
ʻAʻohe lua e like ai me ʻoe.
Tell the refrain
Second to none, you are incomparable.
Lyrics source and translation.

A Note From The Gull
Thank you, Dennis Pavao, for your rendition of this beautiful love song for the Kona district, Hawaii. This is the new version of the original which was composed in 1929. "The lyrics were given to George Naope by James Kelepolo in the early 1980s. The mele expresses the composer's love for Kona on the Island of Hawaiʻi and the reason he moved there." Source.
"We are your guests in Kona
By invitation, with love for us."
I was struck by these lines which describe a truth that we may not have considered but which applies to each of us wherever we are located physically on this planet. Perhaps on another level, this is what some would recognise as the invitation to Life itself. We are called by a greater love to be its guests, together in this time and place. The love and gratitude in this guest's song is the ultimate compliment that could be paid to his host.
Blessed is all of creation
Blessed be my beautiful people
Blessed be the day of our awakening
Blessed is my country
Blessed are her patient hills.
Mweh ka allay!
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